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Chat Disclaimer

Users providing this chat therapy are regular people with no professional training behind their advice. Venting to a stranger can be incredibly dangerous if you are at a very mentally sensitive state. By entering the chat, you understand that icognito chat and/or bubbleteachat is not liable for any advice given or conversations conducted during a chat session.

By using the chat you agree to the following:

I am not homicidal or suicidal. (If you are, we strongly urge you to speak to a licensed therapist. Must be 18 or older)
I understand that no action can be taken toward any claims made during a chat as all users are anonymous.
I am at least 13 years or older and have a parents permission to use this site.
I understand that the chat is intended for casual venting and not for mental illness diagnosing or psychological therapy.
I understand that as a listener I am not to perform the role of a real therapist and will refer any user to seek appropriate help from a therapist if the case permits it.


If you are in agreement with the above disclaimer then

you may proceed:



Strangers Online


Important Note: Issue discovered with Internet Explorer users where the chatbox freezes upon entering the room and is unable to pair them with available strangers. Please use Firefox or Chrome as we attempt to figure out how to fix this issue. 

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